Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Daddy Brithday...^^

~mY Dad~

~ChoColaTe BanAnA~

I have made a surprise 4 mY dad....

Tat day ,we went 4 dinner wif my grandmother n aunts...

Then , my aunt Bee suggested tO buY a caKe to celebrate my dAd 's birthday...

We went to secret recipe's to buY a caKe -'cHocolate bAnaNa' !!!

aFteR we had our dInner, we Waited 4 nIcole to come bck frm her fren's house....

After onE n halF hour , mY bro n me walKed to the kitchen n toOk out the caKe frM fRidgE....

Uncle fU dong waS responsibLe to oFF the ligHt whEn we were taking out the cAke frm kItchen~~

My dAd is sO touch ....

AunT bee , thank you for giving suCh a gOod iDea...~~

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