Thursday, June 25, 2009

考試成績已出爐很久了 !

前幾天 , 我把考卷拿給媽媽看 !

當我凝視著媽時 , 我發現她的臉色和語氣開始變了 !!!

她不停地盤問我為何考試成績那麼差 ...

無可否認的 , 我的成績的確退步了~~

爸爸下班後 , 我甚至不敢面對他```

我知道爸媽的心一定還在流血 !!!

爸媽含辛茹苦地把我養大 , 給予我一個溫暖的家和教育 !

爸爸早出晚归努力工作替我繳交補習費 ; 媽媽犧牲睡眠載我去上學和補習 ...

爸媽 , 對不起 !!!

~我辜負了你們對我的期望 ^^

我答應您們 :

我會努力求學 , 找出及禰補錯誤 , 不再令你們失望 !!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tagged by Maggie , Catherine

Copy and paste and put your own answers in. The purpose of this is to get to know your friends better and it’s so much fun!
Here are the rules: Post this list on your profile,in notes,replacing my answers with yours. You can add the notes tab to your profile page.Tag 25 people to do the same thing.
Do you like your ownself ?
- It depends ...
Do you like anyone ?
- Ya ~my familys n my frens~
Who do you hate the most ?
- xx
Who is the last person that you be with ?
- Mum
Blogging or Shopping ?
What brand do you love the most ?
- Body Glove . MNG . EDC . and so....
Since when you lost your first kiss ?
- when I was boRn``
When is your first date ?
- haven got any yet ^^
Who is the last person you texting with ?
- dunno
Western or Chinese will you choose ?
- both
Your birthday you wish to have ?
- new bag . new watch . laptop .
Who you wanna be with ?
- Someone
You wish to have ?
- Something I don't have
If you're 21 now , what will you do ?
- I'll be travelling around the WORLD !!!
Do you want to married ?
- no >>
What type of guys/girls you like ?
- LOVE me <<
Red wine or Cocktail ?
- red wine
Turkey sandwiches or Double Cheeseburger ?
- Both .I love to eat
Which snacks do you love the most ?
- anything tat can put into my mouth ~~
Lunch or Dinner ?
- Lunch !
Day or night ?
- niTe ``i like to sleep ..
Single or in a relationship ?
- single
What do you want to try right now ?
- watever i can do ^^
Who have been tagged :
- shina
- lee wei

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Port Dickson

My family n I got up at the crack of dawn this morning...

We had planned to go to Port Dickson....

We went there with our relatives...

We had prepared some dishes to have a picnic at the beach...

We had our breakfast in a restaurant....

Then , we started our journey !!!

Unfortunately , there was a pile-up accident on the way we went to P.D

A bridegroom 's car involved in the accident...

The cars were badly destroyed~~

We were stuck in a traffic jam when it was raining...

The rain had spoilt our pleasure...

Luckily , the rain had stopped just before we reached our destination~~

All of us were thrilled !!!

We changed the swimsuits quickly...

We swam in the sea ...

There are many stones , corals and seashells at the bottom of the sea...

We also built some sandcastles !!!

After two hours , we had fried chickens , sandwiches and more...

My shoulders and neck were sunburnt and I 'm suffering now~~

However , I had a marvellous time at there ...