i haVe lots of hOmewOrk todAy...
adD.mAths , mAths , economi , account n .......
i reaLly vEry unluCky tis yeaR..coZ my mAths ' teaCher is so...^_^
i tHink she never be a teaCher b4 !!!!
she talKs so sOftLy anD jUst teAches tHe mAlays 'sTudents in my cLass...
sHe dIdn't teAch uS n cOnsiDer us aS trAnspArent peOple...
moReoVer , she said tat we 'll have our 'Ujian Intervensi' in FebRuary....
bUt we haVen't underStooD abOut anYthiNg yEt!!! hElp..
tIs tiMe , i reAlly diE lol...
hOpe my cOusin , Nicole is willing to teAch me la~~~
i haVe lots of hOmewOrk todAy...
adD.mAths , mAths , economi , account n .......
i reaLly vEry unluCky tis yeaR..coZ my mAths ' teaCher is so...^_^
i tHink she never be a teaCher b4 !!!!
she talKs so sOftLy anD jUst teAches tHe mAlays 'sTudents in my cLass...
sHe dIdn't teAch uS n cOnsiDer us aS trAnspArent peOple...
moReoVer , she said tat we 'll have our 'Ujian Intervensi' in FebRuary....
bUt we haVen't underStooD abOut anYthiNg yEt!!! hElp..
tIs tiMe , i reAlly diE lol...
hOpe my cOusin , Nicole is willing to teAch me la~~~
pls....ask keky!!!