Saturday, January 24, 2009

b4 ChiNese nEw yEar

My muM n I spring-cleaned our house a fortnight before Chinese New Year and we start sending out red greeting cards to our relatives and friends...

We decorated our house with 'angpau' and red ribbons!!!

We also went shopping for new clothes at the shopping centre to create a festive atmospehre```

aLL the people were in a festive mood...


`` thE evE of Chinese neW yeAr.......

iT is tRaditiOnal fOr my fAmily to have rEunion diNner on the eve of Chinese New YeaR```

We have a scrumptious dinner at a restaurant wiTh alL my rElatiVes!!!

mY auNt Bee has ordered steamed fiSh , pRawns , vegEtaBles...

aLl oF us wEre so hAppy and cHatting with each other...

we haD osO plAnnEd our tRip 2 ''Monkey Mountain'' after my liTtle cute couSin-DarRen bOy has coMe back frm Sabah!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

bAd nEws...

mY beSt fRen-xIn yI

she told mE tAt shE wan tO transfEr tO anOthEr skUl...^_^

sHe haS beeN mY scHoolMate n cLaSsmatE siNce 2006 !!!

She is a cute , pRetty and friEndly giRl...

I hope she will cHange hEr miNd afTer sHe knEw tAt many people 'hmm seh dak' hEr~~~

Friday, January 16, 2009



i haVe lots of hOmewOrk todAy...

adD.mAths , mAths , economi , account n .......

i reaLly vEry unluCky tis yeaR..coZ my mAths ' teaCher is so...^_^

i tHink she never be a teaCher b4 !!!!

she talKs so sOftLy anD jUst teAches tHe mAlays 'sTudents in my cLass...

sHe dIdn't teAch uS n cOnsiDer us aS trAnspArent peOple...

moReoVer , she said tat we 'll have our 'Ujian Intervensi' in FebRuary....

bUt we haVen't underStooD abOut anYthiNg yEt!!! hElp..

tIs tiMe , i reAlly diE lol...

hOpe my cOusin , Nicole is willing to teAch me la~~~

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

...ScHool dayS' LiFe...

scHool has reoPened 4 a feW daYs...

All F4 sTudenTs were vEry busy about cHoosing waT stReaM to sTudY...

Coz thr is big diFferanCe betweeN sciEnce n aRt```

hAiz... I' ve alsO tHink 4 maNy days to dEcide...

I hope i won't dO a mIstAke !!!

haiZ...mY claSS is so unLucKy...

thEre r nO teaCher 4 Maths n Sejarah!!!

hOpe tat eVerytHinG wiLl be Ok iN dE neXt monTh~~~

^^GoOd Luck^^

Saturday, January 3, 2009


so bOring....
noThing to do at home....
Luckily , sChool will bE reopEned soon....
mIsS all mY frens```
aLl de best ya~~